Build Alune DTCL season 11, instructions for playing Alune TFT season 11

Alune is an exclusive champion in this season 11’s Teamfight Tactics alongside Kobuko. This is considered a main damage force in the middle of the game alongside Yone and other Dark champions. Because the Dark generals are enough to balance a team with enough resistance and attack without having to combine with any DTCL Season 11 Tribes, you only need to gather enough Dark generals to build a team. 6 Darkness. If you don’t know, Alune is Aphelios’s older sister.

Dark Alune DTCL season 11 gear, build Dark Alune TFT season 11 gear

Alune DTCL season 11 will definitely have a place in the middle of the game with Yone. Darius and Yorick can deal good damage in the early game but will need support later. Alune will need a number of Oversized Sticks > Tears > Wooden Bow > Oversized Sticks > Practice Gloves.

Because dealing magic damage to Alune will hold items such as Spear Shojin, Gemstone Gloves, Witch Hat, Demon Book, Angel Staff, Blue Talisman, Hextech Gun Sword, Red Talisman, Giant Slayer.

wool purchased by alune dtlc 11

As a 3-gold general, Alune will not ask anyone to carry the equipment for him. However, to install all 3 items for Alune in the middle of the game when you have only reached 2-star Alune, this is a difficult thing. Furthermore, you don’t always have magic items to install on her. So if you have decided to roll Alune to 3 stars, prioritize finding magic items as soon as you have 2 stars Alune.

Alune TFT season 11 lineup, build Alune DTCL season 11


6 Dark is the final milestone you aim for, because this is also an easy squad to build when you have followed Dark from the beginning. Having full tanks and damage in every stage of the game, you can combine with every other general to add more clans to your team.

alune tft 11

Sett is the last general you need to add to the team, there are 6 Dark generals and 2 slots left. You can change these two positions flexibly based on whether you are lacking damage or resistance in your team. But ideally, if you see a high-priced champion appear a lot, 4-5 gold is fine.

wool purchased by alune tft 11

You can roll Yone or Alune to 3 stars, or just 1 general to 3 stars and level up while waiting for high-priced generals at the end of the game. Note that if you slowroll, roll with money over 50 coins.

len do alune tft 11

6 Wizards

Likewise, you will have 6 Wizards like 6 Dark, but for tanks you will have to search for other clans. The Forest God is now the best choice as Rek’Sai and Gnar will be suitable choices in the early part of this game. You can upgrade these two generals to 3 stars because this team will be quite weak in resistance.

purchased by alune tft 11

At the end of the game, gather all the Wizard champions and let Annie hold all the tank items. Rek’Sai and Gnar.

Skills, stats and clan

Skills and stats

Alune – Dark/Wizard

  • Skill: Smash the moon
  • The meteor shower penetrates the row with the highest total enemy health. Meteors deal Magic Damage equally to all enemies hit. Deals magic damage to the current target. All enemies hit have their magic resistance reduced by 20% for 6 seconds. Increases attack speed divided by 40% among Alune allies for 5 seconds.
wool purchased by alune dtcl 11

  • Cost: 3 gold
  • Health: 650/1170/2106
  • Mana: 20/60
  • Armor: 25
  • Magic Resistance: 25
  • Magic power: 100
  • DPS: 28/50/91​​​
  • Damage: 40/72/130​​
  • Attack speed: 0.7
  • Critical rate: 25%
  • Range: 4 cells



Dark moonlight illuminates the squares on the floor, creating shields for champions standing on them when combat begins. Dark Generals illuminated by moonlight will finish off enemies with low health.

  • 2 Darkness: 250 shield – 12% health threshold
  • 4 Darkness: 500 shield – 20% health threshold
  • 6 Darkness: 750 shields – illuminates the entire arena.
  • 8 Dark: Killed enemies have a 100% chance of dropping loot – 25% health threshold

wool purchased by alune tft 11


Every 3 seconds, all your champions gain additional Mana

  • 2 Wizards: Add 5 Mana to all
  • 4 Wizards: Add 5 Mana to all, 15 to Wizards
  • 6 Wizards: Add 15 Mana to all, 15 to Wizards
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Update at 15:19 - 16/07/2024
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Gameunition is an experienced gamer with a passion for exploring the gaming world. With years of gaming under their belt, they have honed their skills and become a master at hunting down game codes to claim rewards. Gameunition is not just a skilled player but also an outstanding code hunter, always willing to share their rewards and game knowledge with the gaming community. This has made them a respected figure in the gaming community, inspiring others with their dedication and expertise.

