Instructions on how to play and build Krixi season S1 2023

Krixi is one of the first generals to appear in Lien Quan Mobile. Although there are now many other mage generals, Krixi's power still makes many opponents wary. Let's join Quantrimang to learn and understand how to equip this general in the S1 2023 season.

Table of contents of the article

Krixi's move set

Passive: Wings

Passive: Wings

When the skill hits the target, Krixi's running speed will increase.

Move 1: Fantasy Butterfly

Move 1: Fantasy Butterfly

Krixi releases an illusion of a butterfly that flies back and forth, dealing magic damage each turn.

Move 2: Leaf Storm

Move 2: Leaf Storm

Krixi calls upon the power of nature to attack enemies, knocking them up and dealing magic damage.

Move 3: Meteor Shower

Move 3: Meteor Shower

Krixi calls down a meteor shower to attack nearby enemies, dealing magic damage and gaining movement speed.

How to increase Krixi's skills

For this general's move set, the player should maximize move 1. The appropriate order of increasing moves will be as in the table below.

How to increase Krixi's skills

Additional spells for Krixi

For a thin health champion like Krixi, players should use support spells Flash. With this buff, players can more easily escape combat.

Jade table for Krixi season S1 2023

For the rune table, we will need to increase Krixi's magic armor penetration. Specifically:

  • Ruby: Magic attack +4.2, Magic armor penetration +2.4
  • Purple gem: 5 Attack Speed ​​+1%, Movement Speed ​​+1% and 5 Magic Attack +2.4%, Magic Vamp +1.6%
  • Sapphire: Attack speed +0.6%, Magic armor penetration +6.4

Jade table for Krixi season 23

Badge for Krixi in the S1 2023 season

In this S1 2023 season, Quantrimang suggests that players can use the badge system including the Tower of Light and the Abyss of Chaos. Specifically:

  • Main branch: Quang Minh Tower: Level 1 Contrast, Level 2 Secret, Level 3 Divine Light.
  • Sub-branch: Abyss of Chaos: Level 1 Demon Fire, Level 2 Strong Attack.

Badge for Krixi in season 23

How to dress Krixi for season S1 2023

6 items of equipment suitable for Krixi include:

  • Witch Shoes: +60 Movement speed, +75 Magic armor penetration.
  • Exploding staff: +200 Magic Attack, +30 Energy Regen/5s, +5% Movement Speed. Echo: Creates a small explosion area that deals 100 (+40% bonus magic damage) magic damage around the target hit.
  • Soul searching book: +200 Magic Attack, +10% cooldown reduction, +20 mana regeneration/5s, +300 maximum health. Fire: On-target damage reduces the target's healing ability by 40% for 1.5 seconds (if the damage is from a normal attack, the effect will last for 3 seconds).
  • Hecate Crown: +240 Magic Power, +35% Magic Power.
  • Staff of Chaos: +180 Magic Attack, +10% Cooldown Reduction, +40% Magic Penetration.
  • Holy books: +400 Magic. Enlightenment: Gain 1400 Health.
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How to dress Krixi season 23

In addition, you can refer to how to play and build items of some other mage generals such as:

  • Instructions on how to play Tulen Lien Quan Mobile season S1 2023
  • How to play and equip Veera for season S1 2023 Lien Quan Mobile

Summary of how to build Krixi for season S1 2023

Summary of how to build Krixi season 23

Instructions on how to play Krixi Lien Quan Mobile season S1 2023

Early game stage

At this time, Krixi should take advantage of clearing all the minions in the mid lane with the move Phantom Step. A small tip for players is to time their soldiers to stand in line with each other and release their moves to achieve the highest effectiveness.

Instructions on how to play Krixi Lien Quan Mobile season 23

After completing the minion clearing process, players should move to the flanks to support their teammates. Especially areas that are likely to be visited by your jungler like the Dragon lane.

Another good way is to move into the enemy jungle to steal some small monsters. However, with this method, the player needs to observe very well to avoid being killed when the opponent discovers it.

Mid and late game

Being a mid lane player requires you to cover the map, as well as actively move to control the map and support the lanes to increase your team's advantage.

Near the end of the game, move with your teammates to control large objectives or attack the enemy tower.

During combat phases, choose a reasonable standing position so that you can use Leaf Storm to knock up the most enemy champions and then use Fantasy Butterfly and Meteor Shower to deal damage. target.

Standard combo for Krixi

Combo set that can achieve the best effect of Krixi: move 1 > move 2 > move 3 > move 1. With a good amount of damage, Krixi can quickly defeat enemy champions with just this 1 combo.

Instructions on how to play Krixi Lien Quan Mobile season 23

Above are instructions for playing the general Krixi that Quantrimang would like to introduce to you. Hopefully this article will help you master this general soon.

Update at 10:51 - 18/01/2024
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Gameunition is an experienced gamer with a passion for exploring the gaming world. With years of gaming under their belt, they have honed their skills and become a master at hunting down game codes to claim rewards. Gameunition is not just a skilled player but also an outstanding code hunter, always willing to share their rewards and game knowledge with the gaming community. This has made them a respected figure in the gaming community, inspiring others with their dedication and expertise.

