Supermarket Simulator: Summary of playing tips for newbies

You are playing a simulation game Supermarket Simulator and are looking for the best tips and tricks in supermarket management for beginners. This article has everything you should know.

Supermarket Simulator lets you manage and develop a supermarket
Supermarket Simulator lets you manage and develop a supermarket

Although the Supermarket Simulator game looks quite simple, there are many details that you may miss and make supermarket development difficult.

Tips for playing Supermarket Simulator game

Pay attention to sales data

As a supermarket operator, you will know exactly what your customers are looking to buy. Although this may change from day to day, you should have a general idea of ​​what products you should keep in stock. Supply and demand are factors to keep in mind when playing Supermarket Simulator, especially in the beginning when you are operating on a tight budget.

If you invest all your money in items that don’t sell well, you will have difficulty keeping your supermarket running. Meanwhile, if a popular item is always sold out, customers will also be dissatisfied.

Therefore, the trick is that at first you should buy a variety of items to survey market demand before deciding to import more or less items, and reserve a lot of display space for items with high sales. Good.

Order large quantities

Ordering in bulk helps you reduce the shipping fees you pay for delivery. Therefore, when an item is out of stock, you can pause ordering for a while until it is really needed and buy it with many other items to avoid wasting money. However, please consider carefully what items to buy to ensure the supermarket operates stably until the end of the day!

Ordering in bulk at once helps you save on shipping costs
Ordering in bulk at once helps you save on shipping costs

Place inventory below shelves

The best strategy is to buy inventory so it is best to place them right below the shelves. Customers won’t complain about the containers, and it makes restocking more convenient.

Operate your supermarket efficiently
Operate your supermarket efficiently

Expand product list soon

One of the best ways to quickly progress in the game is product variety. As you expand your product list, more customers will appear and you will be able to increase your daily profits.

Just make sure to expand your store to have enough space for new products.

Hire a cashier as soon as possible

This is the employee you need to hire as soon as possible when starting the game. This person will make your life easier by automating the checkout process so you can focus only on replenishment.

Currently you can only hire reception staff. Hopefully in the future there will be more employees to support your work.

These are the best tips and tricks in the supermarket management simulation game Supermarket Simulator. Applying these, you will be able to progress faster and not have to worry about missing any key features and mechanics.

You can refer to other useful tips in: Tips to quickly increase revenue for supermarkets in Supermarket Simulator

Mistakes that newbies need to avoid when playing Supermarket Simulator

Don’t randomly load goods

You can easily fill the shelves with goods. But in the long run, to be more effective, prioritize giving more positions to best-selling items.

Don’t randomly load goods

Don’t buy too many expensive products when you first start playing

Choosing a few essential items and gradually incorporating more expensive products is a safe strategy. A store that initially only sells things like bread, eggs, and water is certainly not very appealing, but they are all essential products that everyone needs, helping you stay profitable. Furthermore, your initial amount of money is quite small, so buying low-priced items helps diversify your goods.

Don’t buy too many expensive products when you first start playing

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Update at 15:18 - 16/07/2024
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Gameunition is an experienced gamer with a passion for exploring the gaming world. With years of gaming under their belt, they have honed their skills and become a master at hunting down game codes to claim rewards. Gameunition is not just a skilled player but also an outstanding code hunter, always willing to share their rewards and game knowledge with the gaming community. This has made them a respected figure in the gaming community, inspiring others with their dedication and expertise.

