Instructions for locking TikTok account with passkey

Passkey feature is a more secure sign-in method than a regular password because a passkey takes advantage of security features already enabled on your device, such as Face ID (Apple), Passcode (Apple), Touch Unlock (Android) and PIN (Android). In particular, this is a security feature that TikTok has just integrated into this application, allowing users to lock their accounts using security methods available on the phone.

TikTok is one of the video social networking applications that many people love and care about in recent times. To help users use and install the Passkey security feature easily, today will introduce the article. Instructions for locking TikTok account with passkeywe invite you to consult.

Instructions for installing TikTok account lock with passkey

Step 1: First, to use this feature, we will first Open the TikTok app on your phone.

Step 2: In the main interface of this app, click account icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

Step 3: In your TikTok profile, click three dashes icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 4: The options window at the bottom of the screen now, tap on the item Settings and privacy.

Tap the account icon

Click on the three dashes icon

Tap Settings and privacy

Step 5: Next, click on the item Account.

Step 6: At this point, we will click on the item Passkey.

Step 7: At the Passkey Setup interface for easier login, touch the item Setting.

Click on Account

Touch the Passkey item

Click Settings

Step 8: Right now, at the window”Create a password“, click on the item Continue.

Step 9: Finally, press the button Use screen lock methodto install the Passkey security key.

Click Continue

Click the Use screen lock button

Wishing you success!

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Update at 15:25 - 16/07/2024
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Gameunition is an experienced gamer with a passion for exploring the gaming world. With years of gaming under their belt, they have honed their skills and become a master at hunting down game codes to claim rewards. Gameunition is not just a skilled player but also an outstanding code hunter, always willing to share their rewards and game knowledge with the gaming community. This has made them a respected figure in the gaming community, inspiring others with their dedication and expertise.

