Dragon’s Dogma 2: How to get 2 rewards in Jadeite Orb quest

The deeper you learn about Dragon’s Dogma 2, the more you realize that the game wants you to figure everything out for yourself. A quest with a name Hunt for the Jadeite Orb is a prime example of this. At first, you may think this mission has only one choice, but actually there is no need to choose. This article will show you how to get both rewards in the Hunt for the Jadeite Orb quest.

This article will guide you how to receive 2 rewards in Jadeite Orb quest
This article will guide you how to receive 2 rewards in Jadeite Orb quest

Dragon’s Dogma 2: How to get both rewards in “Hunt for the Jadeite Orb” quest

Before doing the Hunt for the Jadeite Orb quest, make sure you have enough gold with you as this quest can be quite expensive.

Jadeite Orb Sword

The first thing you need to do is get to Venvorth, then ride the bull to Checkpoint Rest Town (walking is not recommended). If you choose to hitchhike, the destination will automatically be the town.

When you arrive at Checkpoint Rest Town, an NPC named Offuvle will appear. He will explain that he needs to find Jadeite Orb to sell, which is your mission. As you move deeper into town, there will be another NPC named Everand, who also wants the orb. So, at first glance, you’d think you’d have to choose who to give the Jadeite Orb to, but there’s actually no need to choose.

Buy a Jadeite Orb from Ibrahim
Buy a Jadeite Orb from Ibrahim

After talking to Everand about the orb, you think you have to go out and find it. That is the thought process of many gamers. However, at this point you will meet a shop owner named Ibrahim. You can buy an orb from this person. Since only one Jadeite Orb can be purchased, you have the option to double the orb for around 2000 Gold.

Buy and duplicate Jadeite Orb for around 2000 Gold
Buy and duplicate Jadeite Orb for around 2000 Gold

Collect rewards

The next part is important, make sure you follow it correctly: You now have two Jadeite Orbs, one fake and one real. Give the real orb to Everand. He will need to authenticate it, so follow him when he asks. Once Everand knows it is a real orb, you will be rewarded by him. As for the fake orb, head back to the town entrance where Offuvle is waiting. Give him the fake orb, then you will receive the second reward.

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Update at 15:18 - 16/07/2024
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Gameunition is an experienced gamer with a passion for exploring the gaming world. With years of gaming under their belt, they have honed their skills and become a master at hunting down game codes to claim rewards. Gameunition is not just a skilled player but also an outstanding code hunter, always willing to share their rewards and game knowledge with the gaming community. This has made them a respected figure in the gaming community, inspiring others with their dedication and expertise.

